Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hell is Literal and it is also eternal

I have observed on the Internet deceptive statements saying people are not immortal and cannot suffer eternally.  I also learned that a pastor contradicts the Biblical account of  hell fire in a book he recently published.  In it he indicates people need not worry about hell fire and that eventually all will be saved.  If we read in God's word about eternal hell and fail to warn people to repent and turn from their sins and be saved; and because of our lack of warning they end up in hell, their blood will be required at our hands. Ez 3:18  Check your Bible, especially the gospels, read all that Jesus wrote about hell.  See what Isaiah 14:12-15 tells how Lucifer was cast down from heaven into the pit of hell.  See 2 Thess 1:9 everlasting destruction sounds pretty permanent. (KJV)
Pat Melton